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              5 Top Causes of Sleep deprivation  Are you suffering from insomnia? You wake up at night for no reason yet do not know how to go back to sleep. Let's get to know five common reasons to wake up at night and how to deal with them for a quiet, long and deep sleep all night long. Problem 1: Wake up for no reason and think busy. Waking up at midnight is the first cause of poor sleep, a condition that affects people of all ages. It is a very frustrating situation. What to do ? 1. Keep the darkness. If you wake up at night, do not turn on the light. Use a light or small light detector near your bed and use it to set your way to the bathroom, or use a dim night light in the bathroom and leave the door slightly open, until you find your way there. Whatever you do, do not occupy the strong light. 2. Keep the clock away from you. The fixed clock movement will remind you of the time you spend while awake and increase your anxiety. The

What is ginger good for ?

What happen to your body if you eat ginger?

Ginger is one of those seasonings that adds something special to anything it’s in. Whether ginger is the dominant flavor, like in gingerbread, or whether it serves as that intriguing hint of spice in a stir fry or stew, it offers a nice combination of sweet and spicy that pleases the palate. But surely something that good must be used in moderation, right? Nope. Turns out, daily consumption of ginger offers all sorts of health benefits. Even if you don’t like the flavor, you may want to start taking supplements.

Possibly Effective for:

1- Ginger contains chemicals that may reduce nausea and inflammation. Researchers believe the chemicals work primarily in the stomach and intestines, but they may also work in the brain and nervous system to control nausea. 

2-Taking ginger seems to reduce the symptoms of dizziness.

3-Most research shows that taking ginger by mouth can slightly reduce pain in some people with osteoarthritis. A small study shows that ginger might work as well as ibuprofen for pain in some people with hip and knee osteoarthritis.

4- Research shows that taking ginger powder 500-2000 mg during the first 3-4 days of a menstrual cycle modestly decreases pain in women and teens with painful menstrual periods.

5- some drugs used to treat tuberculosis can cause liver damage. Taking ginger along with these drugs might help prevent liver damage in some people.

6- Taking ginger seems to lower blood sugar in some people with diabetes. Doses of at least 3 grams of ginger per day seem to be needed. Lower doses might not help. And it might take about 2-3 months before benefits are seen.

Side effects 

Ginger is POSSIBLY SAFE when it is applied to the skin appropriately, short-term. It might cause irritation on the skin for some people.
Ginger is LIKELY SAFE when taken by mouth appropriately. Some people can have mild side effects including heartburn, diarrhea, and general stomach discomfort. Some women have reported extra menstrual bleeding while taking ginger. 


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