

            5 Top Causes of Sleep deprivation 

Are you suffering from insomnia? You wake up at night for no reason yet do not know how to go back to sleep. Let's get to know five common reasons to wake up at night and how to deal with them for a quiet, long and deep sleep all night long.

Problem 1: Wake up for no reason and think busy.

Waking up at midnight is the first cause of poor sleep, a condition that affects people of all ages. It is a very frustrating situation.

What to do ?

1. Keep the darkness. If you wake up at night, do not turn on the light. Use a light or small light detector near your bed and use it to set your way to the bathroom, or use a dim night light in the bathroom and leave the door slightly open, until you find your way there. Whatever you do, do not occupy the strong light.

2. Keep the clock away from you. The fixed clock movement will remind you of the time you spend while awake and increase your anxiety. The more you look at the clock, the more you realize that you will go to work or school after a few hours. This will increase your anxiety and stress. This will not help you sleep because you can not force yourself to sleep.

Problem 2: Wake up to use the bathroom and then you can not go back to sleep.

Whether it happens once or several times, waking up to use the bathroom hinders your sleep cycle and interrupts the comfortable deep sleep. The best solution to this problem, do not wake up

What to do ?

1. Drink liquids during the day but not at night. If you maintain a good hydration during the day, you can sleep quietly at night without feeling thirsty. Experts recommend that you refrain from taking liquids after 8 pm or 7 pm if you sleep early. . You can take herbal tea until 8pm, but make sure tea does not contain dandelion, which is also diuretic.

2. Talk to your doctor about bladder problems. If you have a very active bladder, the need to go to the bathroom will bother you at night. Ask your doctor about bladder re-training, physical therapy to strengthen pelvic floor muscles, and any other treatment.

3. Men, look for a solution to prostate problems. When the prostate swells, urine flow stops, causing the need to go to the bathroom, but often in small amounts. This condition, also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia, needs medical advice.

4. Pay attention to hidden fluids. Do not eat foods high in liquids, such as soup or fruit, at least 3 hours before bedtime. If you have to eat soup, try to have it during an early meal.

5. Ask your doctor about the treatment of night urination. If urinating at night is your only problem you can ask your doctor about a treatment that prevents urination.

Problem 3: The pain awakens you.

Chronic pain of all types is one of the most common causes of anxiety, and between 60 and 90 percent of people suffer from some chronic pain badly. Moderate pain can affect deep sleep - yet many people do not take the pain effect seriously.

What to do ?

1. Control the pain. Chronic pain and lack of sleep can turn into an evil cycle, affecting each other. More difficult, when the pain is strong enough to wake you, it may be difficult to treat. Pain management experts emphasize the importance of treating pain at its onset and not to underestimate it and taking preventive drugs to control pain. Consult your doctor about the treatment that best suits your condition.

2. Do not take short naps. What you gain from sleeping in the day you will lose in the night.

Problem 4: Your environment does not help you sleep.

Noise, lighting, temperature changes, all have an effect on your body's state of alert.

What to do ?

1. Street noise. Aircraft, trains, and cars can all hinder your sleep. If your problem with cars, cats and dogs, etc. Try to calm the sound with white noise. Some people prefer to use CDs that broadcast music from nature, the sound of waves, rain, or something that suits you. Of course, if you are against that, you can use double glass to prevent any external noise or ear plugs.

2. The dark room. Light can cause discomfort even for sleeping people. Use curtains or a double layer under the blinds to prevent street lights or signs from entering if they bother you at night. Place a thin tape on the small lights in smoke detectors, fire, computer charger, mobile phones, TV and other appliances in the room or close them completely. Use the alarm clock without lighting and do not use the lighting in the corridor or any light may be reflected on your face while you sleep.

3. Keep calm. Electric heaters and air conditioners can be a major inconvenience especially when you start working. Remember that the room is very cold and very warm is not considered a suitable environment for a healthy sleep. So try to warm the room before going to sleep and then turn it off and use an extra blanket during sleep. Be sure to close the windows well to prevent the leakage of warmth. (Be careful when using heaters that use gas, kerosene or firewood).

4. Make sure there are no noise problems at home. If the wooden floor in your house makes a noise, put a thick sheet. Look for any other sources of noise that bother you and try to cure them before going to sleep.

Problem 5: Your digestive system does not let you sleep.

The stomach roar can wake you up - and wake up anyone else with you in the room - as well as intestinal acidity and gases.

What to do ?

1. Eat small meals during the day. This is a general treatment for intestinal acidity, but it can make wonders for the most digestive problems that hinder sleep. Do not eat at least two hours before bedtime.

2. Keep warm foods, spices and crisps for lunch, and leave the evenings free of spices and spices. Anything with hot pepper is likely to cause you intestinal acidity, as well as anything acidic, like a tomato soup. Avoid fatty foods too, which put pressure on the esophagus valve near the stomach.

3. Strengthen digestion. Probiotics can help the stomach by encouraging the growth of healthy bacteria in the intestines. Enzymes are valuable for those with chronic gastric discomfort, often caused by gastric lining irritation.

4. Sleep on your side, with cushion to support your body. Sleeping on the back is an excellent recipe for gastrointestinal discomfort. If you are not sleeping by nature on the side, the extra cushion can help you feel comfortable. If you expect acidity, try sleeping on your left side because it relieves pressure on the esophagus.


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