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              5 Top Causes of Sleep deprivation  Are you suffering from insomnia? You wake up at night for no reason yet do not know how to go back to sleep. Let's get to know five common reasons to wake up at night and how to deal with them for a quiet, long and deep sleep all night long. Problem 1: Wake up for no reason and think busy. Waking up at midnight is the first cause of poor sleep, a condition that affects people of all ages. It is a very frustrating situation. What to do ? 1. Keep the darkness. If you wake up at night, do not turn on the light. Use a light or small light detector near your bed and use it to set your way to the bathroom, or use a dim night light in the bathroom and leave the door slightly open, until you find your way there. Whatever you do, do not occupy the strong light. 2. Keep the clock away from you. The fixed clock movement will remind you of the time you spend while awake and increase your anxiety. The



Like any part in your body,  your mind needs exercise. You can exercise your brain by using it in different ways, on a regular basis. Try to learn a new skill or start a hobby – Find activities that build skills you don't normally use in your daily life. 
Creativity is all about finding new ways of solving problems and approaching situations. Creativity can be defined as "the process of producing something that is both original and worthwhile.
So here 10 tips to help you boost your creativity.

Be Always Willing to Take Risks
Your efforts may not lead to success every time, you will still be boosting your creative talents and building skills that will serve you well in the future.

Build your confidence 
Building your confidence will help a lot in many ways to reward your creativity.

Make Time for Creativity
You have to make time for developing your creative talents. Schedule some time each week to concentrate on some type of creative project.

Challenge Yourself
It is important to continually challenge yourself in order to further advance your abilities. Look for more difficult approaches, try out new things and avoid always using the same solutions you have used in the past.

Devote yourself to develop your abilities
Set goals, enlist the help of others and put time aside each day to develop your skills.

Find your Inspiration
Read a book, visit a museum, listen to your favorite music or engage in a lively debate with a friend. Utilize whatever strategy or technique works best for you.Look for new sources of inspiration that will give you fresh ideas and motivate you. 

Fight Your Fear of Failure
Remind yourself that mistakes  and fears are simply part of the process. While you may occasionally stumble on your path to creativity, you will eventually reach your goals.

Be curious 
Give yourself the opportunity to explore new topics to learn new things in your life. 

Create Opportunities for Creativity
You need to create your own opportunities for creativity. This might involve tackling a new project or finding new tools to use in your current projects.

Create a Mind Map
Create a mind map by writing down a central topic or word and link related terms or ideas around the central word. Make note of the progress you have made, commend your efforts. 


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