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              5 Top Causes of Sleep deprivation  Are you suffering from insomnia? You wake up at night for no reason yet do not know how to go back to sleep. Let's get to know five common reasons to wake up at night and how to deal with them for a quiet, long and deep sleep all night long. Problem 1: Wake up for no reason and think busy. Waking up at midnight is the first cause of poor sleep, a condition that affects people of all ages. It is a very frustrating situation. What to do ? 1. Keep the darkness. If you wake up at night, do not turn on the light. Use a light or small light detector near your bed and use it to set your way to the bathroom, or use a dim night light in the bathroom and leave the door slightly open, until you find your way there. Whatever you do, do not occupy the strong light. 2. Keep the clock away from you. The fixed clock movement will remind you of the time you spend wh...



Gaining weight is the easiest part but loosing weight is an extremely difficult task. It requires discipline, self control and loads of will power. The task is so tedious that it can be frustrating at moments. Have you ever given a thought that why inspite of controlling your diet, working out and maintaining a healthy lifestyle you still are not able to shed your weight! The reason is simple and very small. It is mostly due to the bad habits that we have developed over time and failed to pay them any attention or get rid of them.

1- Skipping breakfast 

Skipping the morning meal can throw off your body's rhythm of fasting and eating. Breakfast helps replenish it. If your body doesn't get that fuel from food, you may feel zapped of energy and you'll be more likely to overeat later in the day.
 When you skip your breakfast, you don't have high energy levels and hunger pang causes to consume random food items that might not be healthy.

2- Intaking liquid calories

Studies suggest that people who drink one can of soft drink per day could gain up to 6.75kg in a year but it's not because calories in liquids convert to fat more easily than other calorie sources. "The problem with calories in liquid form is that they are often easy and quicker to consume".

 Instead of consuming sugary drinks, try to drink a glass of lemon water. They not only help in avoiding extra calories but they also detox the body and aid in digestion.

3- Snacks 

 The type of snack and amount consumed are the main factors that affect blood sugar levels. Lower-carb, higher-fiber snacks have consistently been shown to have a more favorable effect on blood sugar and insulin levels.

When snacks are consumed very often, the excess fat, simple carbohydrates, and processed sugar found in your   snack contributes to an increased risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, and many other chronic health conditions.
People end up consuming packets of crisps, box of chocolates, bowl full of nuts as their snack and end up consuming more calories than loosing them.

4- Not drinking water 

Sometimes you can feel like you're hungry, when all you need to do is drink water. It could be thirst causing that rumbling inside your stomach, not actual hunger. Because dehydration slows the metabolism, it could have adverse effects in the body's ability to burn fat.

Drinking plenty of water helps in boosting energy levels in the body and it also avoids a person from over eating. 

5- Random meals 

Research suggests the timing of your meals may affect your weight, cholesterol, and insulin levels. Having irregular meals may set you up for obesity, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes regardless of how many total calories you're consuming.

A healthy meal is constituted with right parts of carbs, protein, fibre and sugar for the best effect and healthy body so meals should be pre-decided and should be prepared in advance.
Don't forget that the random meals that you prepare in the last minute mostly junk food with calories enough to last for days.


  1. I had this bad habit of not drinking water. It caused me lot many issues associated with mental and physical health. I used to be stressed through out my day time during work also. Someone suggested me to Buy Etizolam to reduce stress levels. It really worked for me. I made changes in lifestyle habits, it helped me to stay fit.


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