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              5 Top Causes of Sleep deprivation  Are you suffering from insomnia? You wake up at night for no reason yet do not know how to go back to sleep. Let's get to know five common reasons to wake up at night and how to deal with them for a quiet, long and deep sleep all night long. Problem 1: Wake up for no reason and think busy. Waking up at midnight is the first cause of poor sleep, a condition that affects people of all ages. It is a very frustrating situation. What to do ? 1. Keep the darkness. If you wake up at night, do not turn on the light. Use a light or small light detector near your bed and use it to set your way to the bathroom, or use a dim night light in the bathroom and leave the door slightly open, until you find your way there. Whatever you do, do not occupy the strong light. 2. Keep the clock away from you. The fixed clock movement will remind you of the time you spend wh...



Time is the most precious possession of man, a gift to all people, and the time can not be returned in any way, it is an important resource, a tool for evaluation and control, so it must be organized.
Success usually starts from organizing your time and organizing your priorities. Some methods and tools can be used for daily time management. This helps to deal with time better and more comfortably. Lack of control over time can lead to very serious consequences. Organizing your time helps to get a higher level of production, it is worth mentioning that it is important to exploit the quiet and distinctive times so that a lot of works will be achieved.

Here I will suggest some tips to aid you in this endeavor. Let this list be a catalyst to get you thinking regularly about how to refine your own practices.

Make your own plan and schedule and stick to it. 
The first step you need to take is finding out where your time actually goes.If you’re feeling a little lost, spend a week or two tracking every single thing you do each day.

Prioritize over less important tasks.
Each day, identify the two or three tasks that are the most crucial to complete, and do those first. Once you’re done, the day has already been a success.

Sleep at least 7-8 hours.
Listen to your body, and don’t underestimate the value of sleep. Most people need 7-8 hours of sleep for their bodies and minds to function optimally. You know if you’re getting enough. 

Just say " NO "
Sometimes you need to learn to decline opportunities. Your objective should be to take on only those commitments that you know you have time for and that you truly care about. Cancel the activities that you think you don't want any more.

Set a time limit to each task
Setting a time limit to each task prevents you from getting distracted or procrastinating. For example, if you want to write an article for your blog, give yourself two hours. So if you started at 10am,  try to get it written by 12am.

Be conscientious of amount of Internet/TV
Sometime you say "I'll just browse my facebook for five minutes" and it takes you two hours.
Time spent browsing Twitter or gaming or watching TV and movies can be one of the biggest drains on productivity. 

Devote your entire focus to the task at hand.
Concentrate on one task only. Close out all other browser windows. Put your phone away. Find a quiet place to work, Nothing else should exist. Immerse yourself in it.

Never Procrastinate
Time management requires discipline, planning, a strong attitude, and the help of a few good tech tools. But if you get it right, it will definitely pay off in terms of higher productivity and lower stress levels.

Don’t waste time waiting.
Find things to do during this time. Instead of wasting this time, find ways to make the best of it. For example, while sitting in a waiting room ,you can read a book or listen to a podcast.

Keep yourself away from the bad distractions
No distractions, no excuses. If a distraction takes up too much of your time, you will find yourself greatly behind on work. So, get to know which distractions tend to drain too much of your time – and then make every effort to avoid these distractions.

Don't forget that there are many time management apps available for both Android and iOS devices. These can help you boost your productivity and ensure that you are doing what has to be done. There’s a time management app for everyone these days, you can definitely find something else that suits your needs. Just do a little digging.
